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Lithogeochemistry and Bulk Rock Analysis

At Nordwest, we offer two comprehensive exploration packages to meet your geological testing needs.



    - Lithogeochemistry: 


Our Lithogeochem package includes a metaborate/tetraborate digestion method for major oxides and ICP/ICP-MS analysis for trace elements. This allows for a complete analysis of major oxides, refractory minerals, REE, and high field strength elements. We also recommend a different digestion method for high sulphide minerals. The prices for this package will be provided upon request, and you can find the detection limits in our accompanying document.


Please see the document for the detection limits.  



   - Fusion XRF:


Our Fusion XRF package uses the fusion technique of Norrish and Hutton (1969) for major element (oxide) analysis to minimize matrix effects. We also determine the volatile content of the sample through roasting and report it as the loss on ignition (LOI, including H2O+, CO2, S, and other volatiles). The fusion disk is made by mixing the roasted sample with a combination of lithium metaborate and lithium tetraborate with lithium bromide as a releasing agent. Again, the prices for this package will be provided upon request.


















We understand that every geological testing project is unique, which is why we offer consultations to help you choose the best analytical method within the scope and needs of your project. We won't charge you for these consultations, and you won't be obligated to use our services. Contact us today to learn more about our exploration packages and how we can help with your testing needs.


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